Toddlers Are Little Angels Really
Dealing with toddler tantrums or temper tantrums comes hand in hand with a toddler, there is no escape and there are so many articles written about how to deal with toddler tantrums that it can all become rather a headache. With a one, two and three year old causing havoc in my home I thought I would bring you a hands on article about dealing with toddler tantrums.
Temper tantrums need you to have a degree in problem solving, you need to be prepared and you must purchase some form of body shield, these darling little angels come into a league of their own at the toddling stage and toddler tantrums become an everyday occurrence.
As soon as your child has taken its first steps does the fun starts and so do temper tantrums, the world of your toddler soon becomes interesting. While speech may not be that great at this time, they are learning even more skills, some we do not appreciate. Those prized and non baby items we thought were once safe now become a great toy that they want. Throwing a temper tantrum is the only way your child knows how to react to this new found freedom.
The toddler stage is rather a confusing time, they are stuck somewhere in between being a baby and being a child. They do not yet have the skills they need, they have no idea what problem solving is and when they cant get something to work it will no doubt end up being thrown across the room This is very frustrating for them, they want something yet can not explain why they must have it, so bring on the toddler tantrums. Their way of getting your attention and more to the point getting what they want. is to throw a tantrum.
Toddlers soon discover that the world is not all great and that your not that great either, as it is you who is standing in the way of what they want. They quickly learn that throwing tantrums gets them what they want. Your toddler is now an individual with demanding needs. Dealing with toddler tantrums can be exhausting, your toddler has yet to learn any form of self control and will erupt in seconds.
What are toddler tantrums?
Toddler tantrums are not in any way associated to your parental skills. Toddler tantrums are a result of your child learning that he/she is an individual person, with their own opinion and needs, who doesn’t like being told what to do. They have yet to learn problem solving skills that will help them with tasks they can not do. They become overwhelmed by their feelings which triggers a tantrum.
Temper tantrums often erupt due to the lack of problem solving skills your toddler has, they become angry, frustrated and damn well annoyed that the big brick does not fit inside the small brick.
Children are motivated by a little frustration to use their problem solving skills
Try to catch your child before he becomes too frustrated and gives up on solving the problem. Read your child’s cues. When you see his frustration increase, provide the least amount of support you can that still allows your child to achieve his goal. For example: Rather than pushing the button for him, turn the toy to a position that will allow him to push a button himself. Or, rather than handing the toy to him, move it a little closer to the end of the couch so that he can reach it himself. This is how to build your child’s self-confidence and self-esteem. Says Ability Path.Org
What makes your toddler throw temper tantrums?
Waiting is not in a toddlers vocabulary, they do not want to wait a minute for anything
Impulses will be acted upon, they have no fear
Toddlers have no form of self control
They do not remember, you need to repeat yourself 100 a times a day
You can not bargain or bribe a toddler, they have no idea what a promise is
They do not understand choices and become more confused
Top tips to dealing with toddler Tantrums
- Threats, bribery and bargaining do not work at this age
- Set boundaries
- Have a daily routine
- Remain fair but firm
- Stay calm and resist the urge to shout
The hardest task of all is teaching your child that You are in charge