Diaries Magazine

Print Photos from Your iPhone + DIY Photo Book

By Samantha Curtis @hooahandhiccups
I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias and their client.

As most of you know, Z will be heading off to training for 15 weeks and the likelihood of Bubba and I seeing him is not in our favor :( To pass the time, I wanted to find somewhere to print Instagram photos and Facebook photos to put together a special surprise for him! Print photos from your iPhone + DIY Photo Book
I've always used Walgreens.com to print my photos but I had no idea the #WalgreensApp would change my life! With a few simple clicks, I was able to send my pictures directly to Walgreens from my phone, Facebook, and Instagram and pick them up a few hours later! How convenient is that? 
Print photos from your iPhone + DIY Photo BookPrint photos from your iPhone + DIY Photo Book
After submitting my order, I went to bed and woke up to an email telling me my pictures were ready! 
Print photos from your iPhone + DIY Photo Book
I picked up the items listed below and sat down for a little crafting time! 
NotecardsMod Podge/ Scotch TapeScissorsPaintbrushBook ringsCrayons/markers/stickers etc
My original plan was to use Mod Podge and adhere the pictures to the notecards, however my pregnant nose had something to say about that. The scent was so strong it was making me sick! Easy fix? Scotch tape :)
Print photos from your iPhone + DIY Photo Book
When Bubba and I were finished coloring, leaving notes, and taping the pictures onto the notecards, we punched holes in each card and added a book ring. Voila! An easy and meaningful gift, that will keep my husband thinking of us everyday while he's away! 
Print photos from your iPhone + DIY Photo Book
Print photos from your iPhone + DIY Photo Book
Print photos from your iPhone + DIY Photo Book
Print photos from your iPhone + DIY Photo Book
Print photos from your iPhone + DIY Photo Book
Print photos from your iPhone + DIY Photo Book
We're going to surprise him with this gift at the airport before he leaves. For as many times as we've said goodbye before, it never gets easier. Hopefully, this brings a smile to everyone's face and makes the time go faster while he's gone!
What used to take me hours; downloading pictures, emailing them to myself, uploading them to Walgreens website, etc only took me a few minutes using this app. I highly recommend this for anyone looking to print photos from your phone!
Here's to 15 weeks flying by as fast as these notecards can flip ;) 
Be sure to check out Walgreens on Twitter and Facebook
Print photos from your iPhone + DIY Photo Book

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