Entertainment Magazine

Prides’ Buoyant Electro-pop [stream]

Posted on the 14 May 2013 by Thewildhoneypie @thewildhoneypie


This stellar new track from Glasgow three-piece PRIDES is, without a doubt, all we’ve ever wanted in an electro-pop song. Reaping the benefits of a buoyant yet deep sound, we’ve quickly become only about PRIDES and feel pretty on top of the world about it. Lewis, Callum, and Stewart, the boys behind this glorious summer pick, just officially became our new favorite UK crew.

So, what exactly is so insanely delectable about the song? “Out of the Blue”, first and foremost, is comprised of almost everything we dig from this genre. Appearing, at first listen, as a satisfying, almost uncanny, collaboration between the likes of M83 and Passion Pit, PRIDES steps it up further with a build of killer vocals and serious depth, instantly becoming the unlikely love child of Lemaitre and Arcade Fire.

With a continuously thudding brilliance, “Out of the Blue” is easily the most colorful and pleasure-contaminated feel-good groove we’ve heard recently. In fact, they even got Glasgow favorites, CVRCHES, to bring them on as an opening act!

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