Diaries Magazine


By Chardonaldson
Last week wasn't all fun and games and seal kisses and unicorns farting rainbows.
As lovely as it was to be on the receiving end of a fishy-smelling smooch, there were heavy things weighing on me. Tough family stuff. It cast a little shadow over our weekend away. And into the week once we were home. And as an over-thinker I was having a hard time letting it go.
But with some problem-solving and a bit of effort, the worry started to lift as this week started. Things have improved daily and today I was ready to let it all go. With one of those runs that are less about training and more about clearing the head.
I chose my favorite route. Along the river. Because the water seems to give me the greatest sense of peace. It was still dark - my favorite time to run. Because when it's dark there are fewer distractions. More time to think. Or not think. Just to be. To feel the movement.
As I ran I could feel the run work its usual magic. All the problems from the past week were a thousand miles away. Floating down the river towards the sea. 
The air was crisp but a long way from cold. The river was still and the reflections from the street lights and buildings stretched in bands across the river like a giant technicolour barcode. And that made me wonder exactly what would come up at the checkout if a scanner was run over it.
I didn't have to ponder that question very long. There's only one answer to that question. A price check would come up with $0.00. 
Being there at that moment, in the moment, enjoying the moment - truly priceless.

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