Fashion Magazine

Pretty Or Pretty Ugly? “Back to School” Manicures

By Bridgetteraes @BridgetteRaes

Pretty or Pretty Ugly?  “Back to School” ManicuresTo prepare for fall, I just got a shellac manicure in CND’s Fedora, a the deep, rich, burgundy-wine shade. While there I heard about this new “back to school trend” called the Pencil Manicure. That’s right, a manicure that looks like a bunch of No. 2 pencils.

Even though I was to wondering the last time a school aged kid actually touched a good ol’ Dixon Ticonderoga, it seems to be a popular trend, regardless.

What do you think, Pretty or Pretty Ugly?

And, check out the other zany back-to-school inspired nail out that is out there.

Pretty or Pretty Ugly?  “Back to School” Manicures

I'm going to assume these are rulers

Ah…to be young again.

Pretty or Pretty Ugly?  “Back to School” Manicures

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