What irony, hmm? In A.D. 1983, President Reagan described the former Soviet Union as the “evil empire”. Just eight years later (in A.D. 1991) the Soviet Union collapsed and ceased to exist.
Today, while the US government abandons Christianity and embraces homosexuality and Islam, Russian President Putin advocates that Russia must be a moral and Christian nation.
As Putin has already asked, “Who’s the ‘evil empire,’ now?!”–the US or Russia?
Insofar as morality and Christianity are critical to building strong nations, who do you suppose will win the struggle for national growth and strength–Russia or the US? Which “evil empire” is most likely to collapse in the next few years? The Christian nation whose government has turned away from God? Or the formerly atheist nation that’s turned back to God?
Insofar as any nation is inspired and given a sense of national identity by its leaders, who will best increase the public confidence and his nation’s ability to prosper–Obama or Putin?
It’s shameful that none of America’s leaders are as outspoken and determined to do what’s best for The United States of America as President Putin is for Russia.
video 00:02:44