Home Magazine

Prepping for a Photo Shoot

By Cleskowitz @cleskowitz
Prepping for a Photo Shoot
To make a home look beautiful, lived in and, hopefully, effortlessly chic in photos takes work!  It's like when you try on 10 outfits in order to look like you didn't try at all;you just rolled out of bed and without a thought or care you put yourself together in a way that makes everyone jealous.
Prepping for a Photo Shoot
The house in Florida was sold before we were completely done but I wanted a few shots for my portfolio.  I took stock of the shots that I thought would be strongest and begun the task of  setting them up.
Prepping for a Photo Shoot
I had to have succulents which led to Issac's Farm.  It was a treat to see.  Now, I know where to go for great pots, then on to the always dependable Whole Foods for cut flowers.  Figures that there were orchids on every corner but I didn't want orchids in these photos.  I always seem to make things harder then they have to be??  OR, I am detail oriented and sweat the small stuff.
Prepping for a Photo Shoot
There is ALWAYS cleaning to be done and if you are photographing a bed, the sheets and pillow cases need to be ironed.  Everything must be considered.
Prepping for a Photo Shoot
Prepping for a Photo Shoot
Prepping for a Photo Shoot
20 minutes was spent arranging the bamboo in the vessel so it looked good in the shot AND in the mirror.
Prepping for a Photo Shoot
Prepping for a Photo Shoot
We  experiment; Dog in or out?
Prepping for a Photo ShootPrepping for a Photo Shoot
Jeff Herron hard at work.
Prepping for a Photo Shoot
Prepping for a Photo Shoot
Furniture is moved, pictures are switched out, pillows are fluffed, food is styled.  Sometimes hours are spent setting up complicated shots. So next time you are looking at a picture in a magazine, realize ~ it takes hours and a village to make a room look "finished" and there is a bit of magic that happens when you capture it just the way you envisioned it.

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