Entertainment Magazine

Prepare to Fall Fast for Anna Scouten [stream]

Posted on the 20 August 2013 by Thewildhoneypie @thewildhoneypie


post player play black PREPARE TO FALL FAST FOR ANNA SCOUTEN [STREAM] post player play PREPARE TO FALL FAST FOR ANNA SCOUTEN [STREAM] Anna Scouten – All Out SoundCloud

Go ahead and get acquainted with Anna Scouten before she lulls you to sleep (because otherwise it might be a bit awkward). The 20 year-old, Montreal-based folk singer crafts songs of elegant simplicity reminiscent of old Feist (especially on “Intuition”) featuring nothing but a variety of sparse acoustics and her stunning voice. Scouten’s recently released debut EP was brilliantly produced/mastered in such a way that her silky vocals hover delicately just above the backing instrumentation, allowing us to hear every intonation and syllable — the result is quite intoxicating.

I’m forever prone to fall for music that stays potent with nothing but a few basic elements. Anna Scouten’s debut is moody, intricate, and endearing for all its subtle strength and obvious beauty. Listen to the lead track from her EP, “All Out”, after which you’ll inevitably need to have all five songs for yourself — download them over at her Bandcamp page.

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