Title: PreludeSeries: A Creatura NovellaAuthor: Nely CabPublished: April 14th, 2015 Publisher: Clean Teen PublishingGenre: YA Paranormal RomanceContent Warning: Minor violence and sexual contentRecommended Age: 14+
Synopsis:Deus, the creator of the universe, is almighty and powerful—until he uses his abilities to mold a companion. His newest creation, Starr, proves to be as wild as the animals that inhabit Terra. There’s no controlling her. To make matters worse, she hates Deus. So what’s the one boy in the universe to do when the one girl in the universe loathes him? The only illogical thing to do. He falls in love.
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Excerpt #2 for Prelude by Nely Cab:
DAY 51Seven weeks have passed. I’ve let time continue, but I haven’t moved an inch. I’ve been standing in the same green field staring at a motionless, crouching Starr. She’s a tiny and fierce wax statue again. I consult the voice of reason—my soul.The voice of reason is the force that guides me. It’s within me, like a second person but without a body. It offers its wisdom, which is how I’ve been able to construct the Universe. But this voice, it also annoys me, and it won’t let me modify some things, including Starr. No. This is her essence, and it cannot be changed, my inner self says in my head every time I so much as think to attempt it.As I watch her, I know that I’m not afraid of Starr like the men of future Earth are afraid of their women. No. Not at all. What I am is truly and without a doubt horrified of her. I don’t know what to do.
In my hand, I materialize a baseball bat.
About the Author:
Nely Cab is a Writer of stuff, a Master Coffee Drinker, a Food Maker & Eater, an Imaginary World Conqueror, and an Air Breather. She talks to herself—a lot—in her South Texas home while she plots stories about fantasy worlds and sips coffee from a pitcher. She’s known for cooking far too much food and has a tendency to overdo…well, everything. It is rumored that she is fabulous. Nely Cab is the best-selling author of the Creatura series.
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