Explaining how precognition works is not always easy! Precognition is perception of the future. As a psychic, I can sense connections and systems, what events will happen as opposed to events that are created or negated by the application of our Free Will.
Our lives have certain trends or paths through space-time. But most of our lives are conditioned by our choices!
Remember Tinker Toys? I’m probably seriously dating myself here! Tinker toys had wooden hubs with with colorful wooden dowels that connected them. Creative children could make all kinds of things with them.
Well, think if an individual life being like a Tinker Toy structure. The hubs would be events and the connecting dowels are like the choices that we make. Certain events (hubs) will have several choices (dowels) that all lead to it. Let’s say that event is an illness in childhood. For whatever reason, that illness is absolutely necessary for that person’s growth and future development.
Another event (hub), let’s say a marriage, may have only one choice (dowel) leading to it. Very few people have set destinies. Most people have about 20 or so significant life events between birth and death. While certain events will happen, most are the result of a person’s choices.
Another event (hub), like the birth of a child, may have two or three choices (dowels) that lead to it.
This makes precognition vital to making proper choices about the future. At the same time, every contentious, responsible person must make sure to exercise their Free Will in the most constructive manner possible, since most of the quality life or lack thereof, is derived from choices.
When you’re ready to explore your Tinker Toy structure, let me know!