It’s almost time for me to lead another walk with the local Ramblers group, which will be my fourth of the year. Currently, I’m set to lead the group across a section of the Mendip Hills in a nine-mile loop that begins and ends in Priddy.
While the walk itself is mostly flat, level and even downhill at times; the final quarter is going to be an unavoidable steep ascent. In the process of pre-walking and finalising this route, I’m trying a variation of footpaths to see if any route is ‘less intensive’ than the others…
On Friday afternoon, I noticed a couple of curious things.
Let’s start with the image at the top of this post. Below, I’ve clarified the text on either side of the image:
Left side:
“It is against the law to keep a bull in a field with a public footpath that may be at risk to walks!!”
Right side:
“Only seen after midnight with a full moon!”
Neither of these, I’m pleased to say, are of my own work! My understanding is that the actually law is slightly different to this person’s interpretation… In actual fact, the text Beware of bull no longer complies with the HSE’s guidance!
I spotted this while following the Monarch’s Way north from Wookey Hole. Beyond the stile was a very steep climb but, I’m pleased (and relieved) to be able to say that I didn’t spot a single cow of any breed, age or gender.
In fact, above, you’ll find another sign that I spotted less than a mile away, back in June… Must be the same landowner.
Elsewhere, down in Ebbor Gorge:
It looks as though the ‘big cat’ that was installed only a couple of years ago is in a sorry state, compared to the last time I passed it, on the first Sunday of June; barely two-months ago.
I do hope this is not an act of physical vandalism and that, instead, it has been caused by a tree branch… Maybe a wild animal… Anything, if not a reckless human being.
I’m aiming to return to Priddy once more these week for a third and final pre-walk of a route that passes very close to the show-caves of Wookey Hole; a route I’ve never followed before… Chances are, it’ll be as steep as the others but, it keeps my mileage up!