TV & Video Magazine

Pre-order: Special Edition of “Dead Ever After”

Posted on the 24 February 2013 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover

51j0L6FzznL._SL500_AA300_For those who are collectors of the Sookie Stackhouse series, we have great news! For a price…you can own a limited edition of a linen bound, signed edition of Dead Ever After” when it comes out on May 7th!

Here’s how…you can pre-order this special edition at! This is the bad news…the price for it is $78.75 + S&H! Say wha?? :o

Book Description:

A slip-cased, linen-bound edition of the 13th and final Sookie Stackhouse novel. Only 2,500 signed and numbered copies, with new art (for both the book and the slip-case) created by famed Sookie artist Lisa Desimini and high-quality paper stock, will be printed. This is something that passionate fans of Sookie Stackhouse and passionate collectors of beautiful books alike will want to own.

I know the price may be steep for some – but we wanted to let you know about it in case you’d like add this to your collection anyways!

sookie-books-e1289515414634In other Sookie news…over at they are doing the same thing most of us do during this time of year…a re-read of the series. They will be posting their thoughts on each book every Thursday. We thought you might like to follow along with them too.

You can check out what they said in their first post here: “Dead Until Dark”

I just love what they said about Eric and Pam;

As for Eric and Pam…well, they only get better from here. They’re the dynamic duo of the series, both vampiric in their attitudes, selfish, and yet endearing. Eric is my favorite character in the series, and while we only get a small taste in this book, don’t worry: there will be plenty more from here on out!

I have nothing left to add – other than YEP, YEP!

What are your thoughts? Please share ‘em below!

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