Debate Magazine

Prayer for the Unborn

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Today, January 25, 2013, the March For Life is being held in Washington, D.C., where thousands of Americans march for the sacred lives of the unborn.  They march in opposition to the decision in Roe v. Wade; 55 million little babies, children, have been killed as a result of the great evils incurred from this unjust and unconscienable decision.  Most probably, the major media channels will not show the thousands of people that march together in Washington, D.C. today, fellow pro-life warriors, with people of all Faiths coming together as protesters and champions of the unborn.  You can watch the March For Life on the Catholic channel, EWTN.  I have been watching this all day.  I encourage you to listen to the heroes and heroines of the pro-life movement.  Please, everyone in the Fellowship and all people who are for LIFE, pray the following Prayer for the Unborn:

Heavenly Father, look kindly on all the unborn whom You have called to life.  Your Son once lived in the womb of His mother, Mary, who provided nourishment and protection for Him during the nine months before He was born.  We pray through Mary, who brings us to Your Son, Jesus, Who as God shares human life with us and became like us in all things but sin, and prays for us at Your right hand.

From the moment of their conception protect all innocent unborn children whose hearts begin to beat at an early stage of pregnancy and who can serve You for a lifetime on earth and can praise and love You for all eternity.  Give their mothers the means to bring these babies into the world.  Provide them with the insight to know that even though they may not be able to feed, clothe and educate them, someone is willing to adopt them and give them the love they need.  Give both the mothers and their unborn babies health of mind and body.  Help all their family members to be accepting of this gift of new life, so that they will be able to encourage the mother and father and support them in any necessary way.  We ask this in Your Son’s name, Jesus, in unity with the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever.  Amen.

Praise, honor and gratitude to the Triune God, the Lord and Giver of Life!

With Charity,


Source:  Pro-Life Prayer Book, The Leaflet Missal Company, Copyright 1989

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