3-year fully funded post-doc fellowship, University of Geneva, Switzerland
The University of Geneva (https://www.unige.ch/lettres/philo/en/homepage/) offers a 3-year fully funded post-doc fellowship within Dr. Claudio Calosi’s Eccellenza Professorship:
The Metaphysics of Quantum Objects
The project will be linked to eidos, the Centre for Metaphysics (http://eidoscentre.org/), and the Geneva Symmetry Group (https://genevasymmetrygroup.wordpress.com/).
Starting Date: 1st September 2020
Brief Description of the Project
There is a renewed interest in the metaphysics of objects, as witnessed in recent works such as Thomasson (2007), Koslicki (2008), Sattig (2015), and Korman (2015). Despite this interest none of these recent works devote little more than a cursory glance to contemporary science in general, and quantum mechanics (QM) in particular. This is most striking inasmuch as QM seems to offer the most accurate account of the nature of matter, and material objects we have. Still, in the philosophy of physics, there are interesting remarks about the metaphysics of quantum objects. Yet these remarks are widely scattered and rather partial. Even commendable exceptions such as Castellani (1998), Falkenburg (2007), and Dorr (2009) fall nonetheless short of developing a satisfactory general framework. The ambition of the present project is to offer a thorough investigation of the nature of quantum objects. In doing so, it promises to fill the longstanding gap in the literature. The project will be structured into six sub-projects, each dealing with a specific issue in the metaphysics of quantum objects: [1] Composition; [2] Dependence; [3] Determinacy; [4] Location; [5] Extension, and [6] Persistence. Whereas some of the particular issues have received a fair share of attention, thanks to this project most central ones will be addressed for the first time in the literature. From a broader outlook, the project represents an example of metaphysics of science, the program at the intersection between analytic metaphysics and philosophy of science—physics in particular.
Scientific Requirements
The ideal candidate has a BSc in physics or mathematics, or a B.A in philosophy of physics, and a PhD in metaphysics of science, broadly understood. Demonstrable working knowledge of quantum mechanics is required. The appointee will be expected to work on a topic related to the project.
Language Requirements
Geneva is part of the French-speaking area of Switzerland, but for the purposes of the position only English is compulsory.
Salary and Benefits
The appointment is for 3 years. Salary is very competitive (Social Security Inclusive Gross Salary: 81’347 CHF First Year; 82’975 CHF Second Year; 85’945 CHF Third Year). The selected candidate will also have 3.000 CHF of personal research funds per year. University of Geneva has recently been ranked 38th in the recent QS University Ranking of 2018 for philosophy:
Further Info
Candidates are strongly encouraged to contact Dr. Claudio Calosi (https://claudiocalosi.xyz/) at claudio.calosi@unige.ch for further details regarding the project and the position.
How to Apply
Applications must be sent by e-mail to Claudio Calosi (claudio.calosi@unige.ch) by 30th November 2019.
They should include the following items (in pdf files):
CV (containing a list of publications)
A brief description of the intended research to be carried out during the project (approx. 1 page)
A writing sample (approx. 15-20 pages)
The name of two persons willing to write a recommendation letter if contacted (only for short-listed candidates)
Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed via Skype in January 2020.