Lifestyle Magazine

Postcard from Siteia Crete

By Shegotherown @AddyGotHerOwn
Postcard from Siteia Crete
In case, you are planning your next getaway and still have no destination in mind.
Here is a little tip, go to Crete!
But if you are not , that is still cool.
I hope these post take you away from all the Monday blues, and bring you to the beautiful blue Greek reality.
Moment spent in Crete were precious, full of love, fun,breathtaking beauty and greek hospitality.
Have you been to Crete?
Greek Island.jpgTheBlueGreekSky.jpgStretching in Siteia.jpgCretean Sky.jpgSouvenir Magnet.jpgFoolingaroundinthePlane.jpgSiteiaCrete.jpgSiteiaAirport.jpg

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