Hair & Beauty Magazine

Polished by KPT - Nostalgia

By Alittlepolish @oblassa
Happy Tuesday! A couple of week's ago I purchased my first Polished by KPT polish, Nostalgia. I had heard great things about Polished by KPT so I was really excited to try it out and I was not disappointed!
Nostalgia is a duochrome purple/gray-ish green-ish polish (but mostly purple) that thermo changed to a light purple/nude shade. Onto the pictures since my description sucks lol.
Polished by KPT - Nostalgia
Polished by KPT - Nostalgia
Polished by KPT - Nostalgia
Polished by KPT - Nostalgia
Polished by KPT - Nostalgia
Polished by KPT - Nostalgia
Polished by KPT - Nostalgia
Polished by KPT - Nostalgia
I was freeezing when I took the pictures and so I needed to use hot water to get the "warm" shade, thus the water you on my hands. I am wearing two coats of polish topped with Out The Door topcoat.
Here are the cold and warm pictures side by side:
Polished by KPT - Nostalgia
I wore this shade to work and noticed that I was "warm" most of the day but once I got home I was "cold" because my DH has not wanted to turn the heat on yet.
Do you own any Polished by KPT? You can check out their website to order some for yourself!
Polished by KPT - Nostalgia

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