Good morning and happy spring!
We all know spring is a time for new beginnings, sprucing up, new growth, and renewal. But, not everyone is jumping with boundless joy everyday.
Sometimes we just don’t feel we have the energy to do that.
It could be that we are depressed, or hurting inside. Maybe it’s a darkness that won’t seem to leave, or a painful memory that won’t go away. Whatever it is that is bringing us down; we may just need a helping hand.
Sometimes we all need a bit of a boost to help get us going, or someone to tell us everything is going to be OK.
Sometimes spiritual guidance can get us through really tough times.
And sometimes we just need a really big hug.
One of the best poems I’ve ever read does just that;
Rumi embraces our souls,
gives us wings to fly,
and gives us the courage to try.
Know that you are truly loved…<3…<3…<3
The Guesthouse by Rumi
Here’s a little wisdom from the great Persian poet Rumi.
The Guesthouse
This being human is a guesthouse
Every morning a new arrival
A joy, a depression, a meanness
Some momentary awareness
Comes as an unexpected visitor
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows
Who violently sweep your house
Empty of its furniture
Still treat each guest honorably
He may be cleaning you out
For some new delight!
The dark thought, the shame, the malice
Meet them at the door laughing
And invite them in
Be grateful for whoever comes
Because each has been sent
As a guide from the beyond