Family Magazine

Pocket Organizer For Cleaning Equipment

By Peppertan

Pocket Organizer For Cleaning Equipment
Pocket organizers are the Holly Grail of organization. Seriously, never has an invention been so awesome. This is one of the most shining examples of human ingenuity in the whole of existence. There is nothing better than having all of your cleaning equipment in the same place, easily visible and accessible. You can just reach out and take it every time you need something.

Considering the holidays just ended, I thought it would be a good idea to write this article about how to create a pocket organizer for your cleaning equipment, because this is the sort of thing that will help you a lot and reduce the time you spend cleaning significantly. The thing is that when you have easy access to your equipment, then the time you will have to spend cleaning will be significantly reduced. How many times have you had to run around the house, looking for a detergent, or a spray, or your microfiber cloth, or something like that? A pocket organizer will help you avoid such occurrences in the future.



But why would something so trivial (at least at the first glance) would hold any importance. Why would you waste your time with such a project? Well, first of all, you won’t waste too much time. It’s not like it’s a several weekend project. It will probably take you less than an hour. In return, though, it will save you so much time that it will definitely be worth the investment. Pocket organizers are really convenient. They enable you to see your equipment with only one glance, which means that every time you know where to find what you need. You will also store your equipment in the same place, so you will never have to go out looking for it ever again. It’s really handy.

How to do it

You first need to find a base. You need something stout enough to withstand all the items you’re going to keep in the pockets. When you find this material, whatever it may be, cut it down to the size you want. Keep in mind that you won’t be able to make additions, so think about what you need carefully. Once you’ve decided what size you want your pocket organizer to be, cut the basis down.

Next step is projecting the pockets. You can easily do that with a pencil. Just draw lines with the wanted pocket size. It’s simple as that. Next, find some material that you want your pockets to be made of. You can use whatever you want – poly, cloth, or any fabric you might have lying around. You need to cut it in such a way, that it’s as high as your projected pockets, but a bit wider (so there is space for it expand and form an actual pocket).

The next step will require you to actually some skills. You will need to sew bias tape on the top side of each pocket row. When you’re done with that, lay down the material on your base. It should be wide enough to enable the forming of pockets. Use pins to pin down the different segments. You’re almost done. If you’ve followed every step correctly, what you should have in front of you is something looking like a pocket organizer. Try putting something in it and see how it stands. If you think that’s what you wanted, just sew it down and you’re done. The whole thing shouldn’t take you more than hour. Good luck and I hope you manage to finish the project without any hiccups.


About the Author: As a working mom with busy schedule July likes everything to be perfectly organized. This way she has more free time for her family when she is not at work at CleanCarpetLondon Ltd

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