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PoArtMo 2020: Kindku 4

Posted on the 17 June 2020 by Cendrinemedia @cendrinemedia

Today's Kindku owes its existence to Mary Elizabeth Frye's Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep.

According to Wikipedia, Frye's poem was inspired by "the story of a young Jewish girl, Margaret Schwarzkopf, who had been staying with the Frye household and had been unable to visit her dying mother in Germany because of anti-Semitic unrest. Because people liked her twelve-line, untitled verse, Frye made many copies and circulated them privately. She never published the poem."

Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep always leaves me in a peaceful state. To me, the message is: Do not fear death and welcome it as a true continuation of life.

Stand Not as the NightStand not as the night.friend, life is like a meeting oceansor a little bit of as ever,that bids welcome to the birdson their autumn flight.@2020 Cendrine Marrouat

Not sure how to write a Kindku? Check out the rules here.

I look forward to reading your Kindku.

PoArtMo (Positive Art Month) is in session!

PoArtMo stands for two things: Positive Art Month and Positive Art Moves.

  • Positive Art Month is a month dedicated to positive art. Every June, artists around the world are invited to create and celebrate positive art for 30 days. It can be absolutely anything art related: photography, poetry, short stories, sculptures, drawings, theatre, etc.
  • Positive Art Moves celebrates positivity and inspiration in art all year long.

PoArtMo is open to hobbyist, amateur and professional artists. Artists interested in participating in PoArtMo can do so by heading to this link to find out more, along with submissions opportunities for a PoArtMo Contest and a PoArtMo Anthology too:

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