Hello and welcome to this months edition of Plus 40 fabulous where the theme has been chosen by the lovely Cathy who thought it would be good to talk about our greatest achievement.
I have thought long and hard about this as I think I have achieved quite a few things in my almost 41 years on this planet but there is one thing that stands out.
For me my biggest achievement was going to University and I still have very fond memories of my student days.
To put this in some perspective I was never seen as very academic throughout primary and early secondary school, and was even written off in my second year of senior school by my French teacher who thought I would never amount to anything! I had an older brother who excelled in the subjects I struggled with and my teachers always compared us- well until my mom told one off for doing this at parents evening- go mum!!
Fifteen year old me!
It wasn't until my third year at senior school that I realised I loved English literature and this was the only subject I was in the second set for, and at the same time I had to choose my options and I decided to try social science. I never looked back suddenly I had two subjects that totally made sense to me and that I enjoyed so when it came to my A Levels I knew Sociology and English had to be my main choices along with Psychology.
My mom always says to me that her memories of me during my A Levels was that I always had my head buried in a book and when it came time for my exams I revised non-stop as by this stage I had my heart set on going to University in Chester. I managed to score good enough marks for an unconditional offer at Chester to study English and History and I was over the moon but terrified of moving away from home.
At eighteen I was still incredibly shy and when I first left to go I felt so homesick but my mom insisted I stay for three weeks to really settle in before coming home for the weekend which looking back now she was right to do. Thankfully I was given a room-mate who took me under her wing and I soon settled in.
I had the three most amazing years and it taught me to be independent from my parents, and boosted my confidence and made me a lot less shy, For me University wasn't just about the learning it was the whole experience of living away from home, meeting new people and standing on my own two feet.

21 year old me in 1996!
Don't forget to check out the other ladies also taking part.