Eco-Living Magazine


Posted on the 19 April 2011 by Livinggreenor

I attended a clothing swap last month and as luck would have, local news reporters were there filming an Earth Day segment.  The news reporters showed women having fun trying on clothing, did an interview with the swap coordinator and interviewed a few people on why swapping is important.  Guess what?!  I was one of the people interviewed!  It was pretty crazy to see (and hear) myself on TV.  I let out a loud shriek and Jeff came running from the other room wondering what had happened.  I hadn’t told him about the show, as I wasn’t sure whether or not they’d include my short interview or not.

If you missed my previous on hosting a swap party, you can get a good idea on a very simple way to host a group clothing swap through this short two minute video (my ten seconds of fame are at marker 1:23):

To watch the entire Earth Day segment and other video’s such as rainwater harvesting, electronics recycling, growing a cover crop and more, visit KATU’s website for their complete Go Green 2011 segment.

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