Entertainment Magazine

PLNT9: Let Loose

Posted on the 29 March 2018 by Hctf @hctf
PLNT9: Let Loose

LA based trio PLNT9 try to capture the sound of Seventies classic rock with a healty amount of psych punk on their debut single Let Loose. It's an intense fast-paced song, with a few breather bars during the solo when they come close to math rock.

It's not that hard to name their influences, but they have managed to come with a nice hybrid. For a trio that has only been playing together for a year or so they sound tight and on point. Producer Fox Fagan steered clear from the dreaded brick walling, making it loud with a good ear for the dynamics.

Alex Archon: vocals, bass
Milan Zivkovic: guitars
Chuck Mckissock: drums

» plnt9.com

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