Can not sustain such high numbers.
Far too hot in the greenhouses to sustain the lettuce
Our lass is always good at finding a bargain and upcycling things around us. On a lone trip to the allotment our lass completed a project of surrounding an inconvenient tree stump with milk bottle plant pots, should look even better when the flowers grow from them.
Just like winter currently bare will look even better in summer when in flower.
Another great find from our lass on FaceAche, you can't beat free
Two iron gates, quite some weight to them, will be very useful
A little early but the runner beans have been sown
Will any of the lees make their way out of the holes?
Slugs like rhubarb as much as we do, but this is the rhubarbs first year so needs as much chance as possible to get a foothold. So our lass has a cunning plan to help it survive, so far so good.
As we have been leaving the allotment we have been finding some great allotment giveaways, firstly a couple of tubs, mostly likely not wanted due to the half an hour plus it took us both to part them, but once done we now have one for beans and one for carrots. So we didn't fill it all with compost, we filled to the top with straw and horse muck from the pile at the bottom of the hill and watered down, then just used one bag of compost instead of five. French beans sown and as the straw/manure rots down hopefully a source of nourishment as well.
Trying to fill every bit of space.
Another find as we were leaving moment was the logs and off cuts you will see below, this is the second time a pile had been left, before we were naive enough to think they would be still there the next day, obviously they wasn't. This time even though it was a trek back up the hill for the barrow, back down the hill, and back up the hill with a full barrow, we now have stepping stones and seats for the grandkids.
Nice little haul
and finallyAs we were leaving the other day, to look back and see the clear blue sky and to take in all the feeling of potential