Back in 2014, I started a GoFundMe campaign to cover the cost of my book & speaking tour, and over the weekend I decided to do a new one for all the touring I’ll be doing for The War on Whores this year. Most of my appearances are going to be sponsored, but I’m already receiving some requests from student groups, SWOP chapters and others I would like to accomodate, but they just don’t have the resources to cover my expenses. And even though my air travel costs are covered thanks to the generosity of Ghost Rider, I still have hotel costs and the production costs of the movie itself need to be paid, plus we are going to need to pay for the production of DVDs (at present, the movie exists only in electronic file format). Sometimes there also could be unseen costs when renting theaters and organizing screenings. Also, we’d like to make the movie available through as many channels as possible, but some (such as the iTunes store) require fees up front that can be rather pricey. You all know how important getting this message out is, especially now that sex worker rights is starting to gain momentum at long last; Paul Johnson and I think The War on Whores can really help to wake people up, which is why we’ve spent three years of time and effort (and money) to make it. I know we’ll reach a lot of people with sponsored screenings and online sales, and your contributions will make it possible for us to do that as widely and as soon as possible (and to also offer it at much lower cost to groups who can’t afford as much). To thank you for your generosity, I’ve come up with a number of thank-you gifts for each contribution level.
$30 or more – Donor
Permanent inclusion in blog-supporter deals (free stories, etc).
$60 or more – Friend
Autographed DVD of The War on Whores (will be sent when DVDs are delivered to us, probably late spring)
$125 or more – Sponsor
Autographed copies both of my books, plus The War on Whores DVD when it comes out.
$250 or more – Patron
When I’m in your city, I’ll have coffee with you and hand-deliver the Sponsor-level gifts plus an autographed poster!
$500 or more – Angel
When I’m in your city, I’ll have a leisurely dinner with you and hand-deliver all the Patron-level gifts!
$1000 or more – Producer
I will make a special trip to the city of your choice and give a full screening of the movie, with Q&A session, to the group of your choice! If you have no special group, I’ll give you the Angel package without your having to wait until I reach your city!
Please click here to visit the campaign and donate! Thank you so much in advance; I know all of my fans will come through for me as you always do, and help me to get this message out to as many as possible.