Update (May 16):
Last night, Dave’s dad passed away — quietly and peacefully.
Dave asks me to thank everyone who prayed for his dad and his family. He wants you to know that all your prayers helped a great deal.
He asks that we continue to pray for his mom — dad and mom had been married for nearly 64 years.
Please keep Dave in your prayers as well. His mom is also seriously ill, and Dave himself has diabetes.
Dave, one of FOTM’s writers, needs your prayers.Dave’s dad has Alzheimer’s disease. About a week ago, he fell down the stairs and was taken to emergency hospital. He was kept in ICU for a while, then was released, after the doctors determined he did not have a stroke.
But now, Dave’s dad has stopped eating and is being kept (barely) alive with IV fluid. He will be moved to a hospice today or tomorrow.
Dave, who has diabetes, has been caring for his dad and his mom (who’s also ailing) for several years now.
Please say a prayer for Dave’s dad, and also for Dave — that the peace and strength of our Lord, Jesus, be with them both.
Love and prayers to Dave from our little band of FOTM writers,