Sports Magazine

Playoffs...Playoffs...Playoffs? How About 15 More Wins...

By Kipper @pghsportsforum
All this talk of October baseball scares the crud out of me. The past 20 years of losing has conditioned us to expect a disaster of epic proportions no matter how good things look. Talk of playoffs while not within the realm of possible ( at this point I think it's reasonable ) at this point puts the cart before the horse. Our Bucs only need 15 wins to put this historical record of ineptitude behind all of us and usher in a new golden era of Pirates baseball. I WANT more than anything to see win number 82 more than anything else at this point. The farm system is loaded and steadily producing major league talent, the front office is committed to their plan as they didn't sell out the system for one year. 82 wins and I'm a happy camper anything that comes after is just gravy. I know in my heart that even if this isn't our year to win it all, the team that is being built is one that will be competing for years to come, so BUCN let the countdown begin and let us revel in the end of 20 years of misery and irrelevance and the return to prominence of one of the oldest most storied franchises in MLB! Let's Go BUCS!!!

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