Funny how a post, like this one can have several working titles. The first one was 'Front of House Plants Update' but it was the exact title we used we we first gave an update last July. Then the second one was 'As I Weed at the Front of the House' but thought...nah! So went with the third.

So how are the plants in blue pots at the front of our house doing? Generally very good. A few changes since July but everytihng that is there now, except for one more recent addition has sailed through last winter fine with no extra protection at all. Being at the front of the house they must be tough enough to not need any protecting during the winter but at the same time reap benefits from what is perhaps the most sheltered outdoor spot in our property (south facing, gets winter sun, and gets radiant warmth from the paving and house bricks).
First were the changes. Of the original plants that we put in here the Eryngium duo didn't do well and were replaced last summer by two Aloe polyphylla. Also the pot of Alliums were emptied late last year and remained so until it was occupied recently by a Grevillea lanigera 'Red Salento' which we bought only last month. The rest of the plants have remained the same.
The block paving needs its fair share of regular weeding and so did the pots which I did at the same time I was taking these photos. The weed that was growing at the base of the Yucca gloriosa 'Variegata' however won an extended right to stay as I thought it looked pretty. Does anyone know what it is called?

Quite a pretty weed isn't it?
And here's the rest of the group by our front door. As mentioned earlier the Grevillea was only added last month.
Yucca gloriosa 'Variegata', Nolina nelsonii, and Grevillea lanigera 'Red Salento'
Then on towards the Agave bunch (plus one Nolina)...The Agave ovatifolia below is doing well and growing away nicely. One leaf got spotty over winter and is now drying away but apart from that no other flaw and is it looking rather nice.

Agave ovatifolia
The agave below was supposed to be an Agave atrovirens var. mirabilis but now even the person who gave it to us has doubts whether that really is its identity. Whatever it may or could be it has done well over winter too and has grown significantly since it was first placed here.
Agave atrovirens var.mirabilis (?)
The other two agaves have done well too...
Agave montana

Agave parryi
All the Nolinas are doing fine too. Growth is much slower but steadily bulking up at least. The Nolina parviflora had to be content with living with a few oxalis at its base for now. I've removed as much as I could but its leaf edges are very sharp and there's only so much I can remove without giving my hands a few cuts.
Nolina parviflora
Once again the Agave and Nolina bunch (complete with car parked on the drive!)...
Speaking of Nolinas there are three at the front of the house and the third one used to be accompanied by two Eryngiums. Well the Eryngiums turned out not to be able to cope with the conditions here and has been replaced by two Aloe polyphylla last summer.

Aloe polyphylla

I'm really pleased with them and how they have developed since they were placed here. And it seems it even grew a little bit during winter too! Here they are again now together with the Nolina nelsonii (which on my previous post I misidentified as N. parviflora).

Last but not the least are the two Nerium oleander and Thuja plicata 'Whipcord'. All three only needed very minimal tidying, cutting back some of the old growth.

The trio of plants above also have an extra purpose: to get our neighbor used to having 'something' on this spot as we're pondering whether to lift some of the blocks and place a small tree here. See how it goes.
We're thinking of adding a few more large blue pots here now that we know which spots we can add them to without making parking difficult. Perhaps we may even add a couple of tall plants behind two of the Nolinas just to add height in those areas.
Again see how it goes.
Mark :-)