Gardening Magazine

Plans for the Borders

By Mwillis
In my garden, the emphasis is firmly on the edibles - fruit, veg and herbs - but two sides of my plot are edged with an ornamental border about three feet wide. In the border I want easy-maintenance plants, so that means mostly shrubs. I am particularly fond of Dogwoods, which provide lots of interest (attractive leaves in Summer / Autumn and brightly-coloured stems in Winter / Spring), whilst needing minimal maintenance.
Plans for the borders
I am also currently very much enthused with Hellebores, so I am gradually establishing clumps of them underneath the Dogwoods. This is a good combination because the Hellebores flower at a time when the Dogwoods have no leaves.
Plans for the borders
I am raising several new Hellebore plants from seed, and my plan is to put them into the border down by the shed, in an area from which I have recently removed lots of the Euphorbia.
Plans for the borders
Euphorbia is nice enough, but (in my opinion) rather unexciting. Actually, over the last couple of years it seems to have lost its vigour and probably needed some drastic treatment anyway.

Plans for the borders

Euphorbia "Clarice Howard"

Since the Hellebore seedlings are currently very small and will take a couple of years to bulk-up even when they are planted out, I am going to temporarily fill the space with Heuchera plants. I have five like this, which are offshoots from a mature plant that I have had for several years:

Plans for the borders

Heuchera diversifolia "Palace Purple"

Also in the border is this Libertia, a plant which has a history. It was once on display at the Chelsea Flower Show. I mean this specific plant, not just one of this type.
Plans for the borders

Next to the Libertia, at the right of the photo above is an Hypericum. This one is a volunteer that just appeared one year, presumably growing from a seed imported by a bird. It has beautiful flowers and berries, so I am happy to have it in my garden.
Plans for the borders

Plans for the borders

At the other end of the border is this... a Japanese Anemone called "September Charm".
Plans for the borders

This type of Anemone spreads very easily, via underground roots, and little plants are popping up all over the place. I will have to be ruthless if I am to keep this one in check!
latest addition to the border is this Lysimachia Ciliata "Firecracker", purchased last Summer on a visit to RHS Wisley:
Plans for the borders

I grew it in a pot last year, when it was still small, but when it died down in the Autumn I transferred it to the border, near the Anemone. With a bit of luck it will grow a lot bigger this year.
I realize that I have strayed from the point a bit in this post. I started by writing of some plans to augment the planting in my borders, and I have ended up telling you what the borders contain! Oh well...
Actually, it has served to remind me that despite the preponderance of edibles in my garden, there are also plenty of ornamentals too these days. I think my garden has reached a state of balance.

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