I have been focusing on my other blog for a little bit to get it going. I started making a blogging plan for December so I can be ready and know what I want to do.
I actually have four blogs right now. But I am going to delete one of them and just keep posting the allergy stuff on here. Two blogs is a lot of work and I am struggling to keep up with them. Three blogs... meh, it's okay because Miles is helping me. We're working on getting all the video software so we can give the best reviews! We're hoping the video game section of the blog will take off in January at the latest.
But I just can't keep up with four blogs. I love the housekeeping missions for the gimpy and limpy people and I can't wait to get more games reviews going! But allergies just seems to go on The Baker's Acres because that is where I started it all. I will work on this blog to make it easier to navigate too.
All in all, I am planning on making next year my best blogging year EVER! AND Miles is so great, he is going to help me set up the upstairs into an office where we can work (on my good days that is). And I'll also start doing video blogs.
Problogger suggested stepping out of your comfort zone a bit so I want to try that. Why? Because that is one area I have never really wanted to do because I am nervous I will look like an idiot. Or something like that. So I am going to work on that!
That's my update for now. I'll get into a nice posting rhythm as the time goes on! From The Baker's Acres! Read more at http://www.dotchilatham.com