Where have I been? Not only on this blog, but just in general? Apart from lettering hundreds of envelopes and wedding signage, I recently stumbled into some planner "addicts" on Instagram and have found myself making the pages in my planner more and more personal and decorative.
Its a movement. Seriously.
Think washi tape, stickers, flags, doodles... I mean its all the stuff I love, bonded to pages that I NEED to keep my life in order. Again, who knew and what else exactly do you need in life to be happy? SUPER excited about this trend!
I've put together some info below for you to learn more about these AWESOME crafters who are in and also lead the movement. Also some resource info if you'd like to get started. Go ahead. Dive in! This is so much fun and a welcome break from stressing about wedding deadlines and projects.
Instagram Hashtags
These will get you started. It looks like there are supplies, challenges, monthly subscriptions to special kits, themes, it goes on and on. I even found an Instagram user that combines "lettering" and "journal decorating" LlamasLetters -- I think I'm in heaven.
Planner Decorator/Designers I like
This list is absolutely NOT exhaustive. I haven't even known about the trend long enough to give you an informed, perfectly curated list, but THESE are the ones that I've lingered on and gotten the best info from. I'm sure there are dozens and dozens of others!
@YesPleasePlanning is the FIRST page that I bumped into and it was love at first sight. Meka is fun and she has dozens of different journals that she decorates. Make this your first stop too!

Belinda is a popular Vlogger, but she is also a planner addict and she's got great advice and beautiful pics!

Cori Spieker actually teaches a comprehensive online planner decoration workshop... Yeah, that's an actual thing. She's also got her hands in other pots, check her out. She's got 55k followers on IG so you know she's bringing it.

Christy Tomlinson of the Planner Society is also partnered with Cori to teach the workshop and also offers monthly subscriptions to crafting supplies for your planner. I wish you didn't have to START with a 3-month commitment. I'm planning to keep poking around to find a "lighter" offer.
Planning Supplies on Etsy
Now you just KNEW Etsy would already be front and center on this trend... Type in "planner supplies" and go shopping!

Yes, I KNOW I've been M.I.A. this wedding season. I should have gotten an intern. Things are just on another level business-wise. I miss all of you though and am working on some blogs now so I can make a comeback very soon!
This trend inspired me enough though to blow the dust off my keyboard and let you guys in on one of my current loves! Take care and I promise I won't stay away so long next time.