Debate Magazine

Planned Parenthood Abortionist Says She Has a ‘god-given Calling’

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

It’s one thing to make your living killing innocent unborn human beings.

But it’s evil of an even greater magnitude to lard over those killings by calling murder your mission from God.

That’s precisely what this revolting Planned Parenthood abortionist does.

Jill Meadows

Micaiah Bilger reports for Life News, Jan. 15, 2016, that abortion doctors — an oxymoron — are now using God as an excuse for killing unborn babies:

  • Mississippi abortionist Willie Parker defends his abortion practice with religious references, claiming his abortion career is “a ministry” and that the parable of the Good Samaritan inspired him to abort unborn babies.
  • Abortionist-in-training Carolyn Payne also recently wrote a column, claiming that her Christian faith motivated her to pursue a career as an abortionist.
  • In November 2015, pro-lifers in Chicago filmed an unnamed abortionist as she knelt and prayed on the sidewalk, thanking God that she can abort unborn babies.

The latest blasphemous abortionist is Jill Meadows, a Planned Parenthood medical director in Des Moines, Iowa, who says it is her “god-given calling” to kill unborn babies at Planned Parenthood.

In the wake of a series of undercover videos showing top Planned Parenthood officials discussing the sale of aborted babies’ body parts, Meadows defended her abortion business in a letter to the editor of The Des Moines Register on January 5. This is her letter:

I am an abortion health care provider, and I am proud of what I do. It’s a privilege to be a positive presence in a person’s life at a time when she most deserves care and compassion.

Recently, a fraudulent video smear campaign against abortion providers was used to justify political attacks and violence against Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood of the Heartland does not participate in fetal tissue research, but not because we don’t believe it is important.

Fetal tissue research has led to medical therapy that has helped to save the lives of millions of people. As a premed student, when touring the labs at the University of Iowa, I learned that fetal tissue research had contributed to the development of a medication used to help infants born prematurely to breathe. This is just one example of the vital life-saving results of this type of research.

Planned Parenthood provides evidence-based, compassionate, non-judgmental, high quality, affordable reproductive health care. It is time for people who are anti-abortion to stop using terror, lies, hate rhetoric, misinformation and violence against us. Regardless, we will not be bullied and intimidated into abandoning the people who depend on us. I will continue to follow my conscience and God-given calling of being an abortion care provider. Our doors will stay open. No matter what.

Cheryl Sullenger, senior policy adviser for Operation Rescue, told LifeNews that “Meadows is known for aggressively defending late-term abortions. When going by her maiden name of Vibhaker, she sued with [late-term abortion doctor] LeRoy Carhart to defend the grisly late-term Partial Birth Abortion method that has since been banned in the U.S.”

Note: Both Barack and Michelle Obama support late-term or partial-birth abortions (“partial-birth” because advances in medical technology mean a baby in his/her third trimester is now viable outside of the womb). Moreover, when he was an Illinois state senator, Barack had thrice voted for infanticide by voting against the Born Alive Infant Survival Act.

All of which means that Jill Meadows claims she has a mission from god to abort babies for any reason through all 9 months of pregnancy. No matter what.

Hey, Jill Meadows. I suggest you take a good look at your so-called god:


But then you already know that.

See also:

  • Planned Parenthood abortionist sings about Jesus as he kills unborn
  • Planned Parenthood says God doesn’t think abortion is wrong
  • Woman who provided 65,000 abortions calls killing of unborn a ‘sacrament’ and a ‘blessing’
  • United Methodist pastor ‘blesses’ Cleveland abortion clinics
  • Kansas Episcopal Church celebrates 42 years of abortion with fundraiser for Planned Parenthood
  • Planned Parenthood’s Clergy Advisory Board says the abortion mill ‘is doing God’s work‘
  • Abortion doc: ‘We have to get over the love affair with fetuses’
  • Leading abortionist says killing unborn is ‘extremely gratifying
  • Abortion sickos: If only Mary had aborted Jesus

H/t FOTM‘s MomOfIV


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