Over the years, Pixiwoo have released a makeup brush range called 'Real Techniques' and now, have released a book called 'Face'
I was really lucky to get my hands on not one, but two of the books (Thanks girls!) so I will be running a competition for one lucky person to win a copy. More of that at the end of the review (scroll to the bottom to enter).
First off, the book is not a coffee table read, it's more a 'place this next to my special hardback books' kind of book. It just looks so classy, simple and elegant that I'd be happy to have it sitting amongst some other amazing books.
So basically, this book is a beauty manual that explains everything from technique to terminology for both the beginners and more advanced beauty fan. Included in the book is an app that you can download to your smart device which when scanned over specific pages in the book, shows relevant videos from Sam & Nic.

I found myself 'ooh'ing' and 'ahh'ing' from the first page through to the last. The girls really talk to you on a personal, human level. Yes, there's a few fancy terms in there I didn't really understand but they were explained throughout the book.
The girls are so 'normal' which I really hope they don't mind me saying but I feel like they're people I can relate to and that all of their subscribers/readers can relate to them, as if when I'm reading their book, they're talking to me specifically which is what I think - alongside endless beauty, talent and wit - is what makes Pixiwoo so popular.
I don't want to give away everything from the book so I won't go into too many specifics. With that said, you can expect to find guides on choosing the right shades of eyeshadow to suit your eye color (including a color wheel on the app), skincare tips for different skin types, tips on how to fill in your eyebrows, beauty faux pas to avoid and choosing the right foundation.
The girls are two of the most loved and respected in the industry for being hardworking, down to earth, and polite with endless amounts of talent. I couldn't be happier to be given the book and I couldn't be prouder for them on their incredible success.
To buy the book, click here.
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