Gadgets Magazine

Pixel Perfect: Five Tips for Taking Amazing Photos with Your Smartphone

Posted on the 24 June 2014 by Nrjperera @nrjperera

Be Aware of Lighting

If you were using a regular camera, you would consider the lighting while taking a photo, it just becomes even more necessary to do so with a smartphone as it is totally unforgiving. Therefore, make sure the main source of lighting is in front of your subject–if it is behind them you will end up with a dark silhouette. In low light settings, you must be extra thoughtful about stability. Prop your elbows on a flat surface if you can and breathe out while taking the shot. This increases the stability of the sensor so it can better pick up the details in the dark setting. You obviously can’t always control the lighting, however, use the flash setting on your phone in darker circumstances to shed some light on your subjects.

Get a Better Camera App

You might not have realized that you have more options than just the default camera app on your phone for taking pictures. The default camera app on most smartphones is fine, but limited. Be sure to check out the more advanced options out there, like Camera+ for the iPhone or Camera ZOOM FX for Android. These come with a much wider range of options beyond mere point-and-shoot.

Editing Your Photos

You might look at photos that friends are posting on Instagram and wonder why they look so much better than yours. The truth is, these days almost every photo you see has been edited to enhance the look. Edit your photos in photo editing software. Photoshop and iPhoto work great of course, but also look into Google’s Snapseed. Editing allows you to tweak your photos and make them really pop all while giving you nuanced control. Definitely a must for taking your photos to the next level.

Photo Composition

When we quickly whip out our smartphone to snap a photo, we often forget about composition. If you are in a hurry it can be tough to really think about the framing or the layout of your photo. However, if you practice certain angles and layouts, you’ll soon get good enough so that your photo will capture all the important elements—even when you’re in a hurry. You can also crop your photos to make them look more artistic, or to feature certain elements of the photo that you want to emphasize.

Read Also: New Lytro Illum Camera Costs $1,600, Lets You Take Interactive Photos

Clean Your Lens

Our smartphones get pretty abused through daily use, and it’s easy to forget to clean the lens, but doing so will make sure you’re getting the best quality out of your smartphone camera. A quick swipe with a lens cloth is usually enough to make sure your photos are clear again. Having a clean lens will help you have clearer pictures that are also more colorful. If your pictures are looking dull or blurred around the edges, you probably need to clean your lens.

These days, between social media and regular internet browsing, we see hundreds of photos every day. Sure, your Instagram or Facebook photos might look fine now, but you can easily kick posts up a notch by taking advantage of the tools available to create truly amazing photos. Take a little time to practice taking stellar photos, and use the innovative editing tools that you literally have at your fingertips, and enjoy the praise of all who see your exceptional smartphone photos.

About the author -:

This article was written by Dixie Somers, a freelance writer who loves to write for business, finance, women’s interests, and technology. She lives in Arizona with her husband and three beautiful daughters. Dixie got her advice for this article from the smartphone experts at Apple Shark, where you can sell a used iPhone online, even if it has been damaged or broken.

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