For everyone that saw my MASS E-mail, we are currently working on the 3rd phase of PSF. For those who didn't read it, I'll provide a quick overview.
Originally in 2009, this site started out as - Pittsburgh Sports Tavern. It underwent a major overhaul in 2012, where the name was changed to - Pittsburgh Sports Forum. A blog was integrated from the Foruum and the software/looks of the site was updated.
Now we are shifting towards the 3rd phase. This is about accessibility. The mobile world passed up MEssage Boards around 2013. While I did a lot of custom coding to integrate a Blog from the Forum, it wasn't easy to Write, Read and Interact from Mobile devices. Now, more than 75% of people browsing the internet use a mobile/tablet device.
Our plans are this :
1. Replace the Front Page and Built in Blog with a Word Press Front Page an Blog that is Pittsburgh "centered".
2. Install a Bridge between Word Press and vBulletin Forum software that creates a duplication from the Blog to the Forum and allows for cross commenting between both platforms.
3. Utilize Facebook for additional social/community discussion. It may be a "group". It may be utilizing the existing PSF Facebook Page's "community" feature. This is for those that just dont want to hop on to the Forum.
Right now I am in the early process of the whole Blog design process. My goal was to be ready by the Pittsburgh Pirates opening day, but I don't think that will happen, despite all of the late nights I've been putting in getting PSF back to how it was and working on this Blog. I'll keep an update here on this Thread.
And before I forget... 2 more things..
1. If anyone is interested in writing for the new Blog, let me know.
2. Myself and Steelreign have returned as your Admins/Owners/Most Favorite People in the whole wide world.
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