A twist to the traditional milk peda with my creation of pistachio and rose. As you can tell, I do like playing with Indian flavours. Last year I played with Indian Chocolate flavours this year I've decided to go a little more traditional route.

A peda or penda is an Indian sweet, usually a thick and semi soft. The main ingredients are milk, sugar and some sort of flavouring. The word peda means a blob of dough.

Rose paste huh?! I here you, but you should be able to find it at any Indian or Chinese supermarket. May also be called gulkhand, specially at an Indian supermarket. If you can't find any you can always add a little thick strawberry jam or crushed nuts.

1 Tbsp Ghee
Whole Pistachios
200g Condensed Milk
75g Milk Powder
25g Ground Pistachio
1 Tsp Rose Flavouring
Rose Petal Paste

In a pan, melt the ghee and add pistachios, toast until slightly golden, remove the pistachios and set aside.

Then to the ghee pan, add condensed milk, ground pistachios, milk powder and rose flavouring.

Stir the mixture well, then allow to cook over low to medium heat stirring every 1-2 minutes.

Once the mixture thickens and comes away from the sides then take off the heat and turn onto a greased surface.

Once cool enough to handle, take a small amount and roll into a flat ball, add a little rose petal paste to the middle.

Then fold the peda slowly around the rose petal paste

Seal over the top

Then roll back into a ball

Push a toasted pistachio into the peda.

Allow to completely and enjoy

Rose Pistachio Peda ( Milk Fudge)

A twist to the basic Milk Peda!