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@Pinterest Please Help to Credit This Design Back in My 2nd...

By Abigailhutton @AbigailHutton_
@Pinterest Please help to credit this design

Back in my 2nd...

@Pinterest Please help to credit this design

Back in my 2nd year of university, I became obsessed with Pinterest. 
I designed this lovely watercolour and popped it onto my pinterest page (http://pinterest.com/abigailhutton), and over the last year it has become my most repinned picture (of my own). 
Naively, and at the time uneducated of Copyright, I did not watermark the design. It has since been repinned by hundreds, and often my name has been lost. As you can see, I have now watermarked it, but the original, without a watermark, is still being repinned multiple times a day with no mention of my name. 
It worries me as any company could just reproduce it under their name. If you see this design without the watermark on pinterest, please please please comment on it and credit me :)

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