Fashion Magazine


By Tryitonme @tryitonme

There is a person I know who calls me "Pinky" whenever they see me and I happen to be wearing something pink. I can't distinguish if this some sort of harassment or a compliment, so I just roll with it. Recently I finally broke down and asked "What's with the nickname?" The person quickly responded with: "It's because you're always wearing pink."
Um, for the record I do not always wear pink.  I'm not wearing pink now. But I did wear pink sweats to bed last night. Come to think of it, I wore a pink blouse yesterday too. Shoot, they're right. 
Call me Elle WoodsLisa Vanderpump, or whatever you'd like. It's the truth, I probably wear pink more than the average bear. I love peonies and a chilled glass of rosé too. So sue me. I'm just drawn to it. It's so bright and cheery, really what's not to like?

Personally, I think pink looks great on everyone, even guys. I know many steer clear of it, but there is nothing to fear. There's no denying that it's the most feminine of colors. But that doesn't necessarily mean you're a "girly-girl" if you're found wearing it (it's not my favorite color either- some shades are hideous). The trick is finding a pink pairing to balance the femininity and the right shade for you. Here are some my favorite couples: 
By the way, my brother gave me this dress. That's right, my brother. Glad he appreciates pink  as much as I do and has inherited my fashion sense. 
PinkyPinkyPinkyPinkyPinkyPinkyPublished with Monogram

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