Recipes Magazine

Pieday Friday ~ Creamy Asparagus Pasta

By Cassiefairy @Cassiefairy

I know I’ve gone a little mad over asparagus this month (see my ham and asparagus pie recipe!), but it’s in season and it tastes great so this week I’ve added it into one of my favorite dishes – pasta.

This is such a simple carbonara-based dish that only takes me about 20 minutes to cook - pasta, cheesy white sauce, chunks of bacon and steamed asparagus – what could be easier?

cassiefairy pieday friday seasonal creamy asparagus pasta carbonara recipe

Put the pasta on to boil and add a steamer pan on top with the asparagus in it to cook along with the pasta. Crisp up some bacon under the grill. To make the carbonara sauce add 2 tablespoons of butter into a saucepan and melt before adding 2 tablespoons of flour. Mix into the melted butter and stir quickly to cook off the flour. Pour in a little milk and mix to create a creamy sauce. Keep adding  more milk as it thickens until you get the smooth, thick sauce texture you like. Add grated cheese to taste and a little salt and pepper. Drain the pasta and stir into the sauce, slice the asparagus and bacon and add into the pasta.

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