Food & Drink Magazine

Pieday Friday ~ Chocolate Chip Sponge Cake to Celebrate a Milestone

By Cassiefairy @Cassiefairy

Today I have reached an unexpected milestone. My thrifty little lifestyle blog is three years old! I didn’t realize that this anniversary was approaching and although I’d started thinking about what I might to do celebrate my 1000th post (coming up in April) I didn’t really think about the length of time that I’d been blogging. Luckily I was looking back at old Pieday Friday blog posts yesterday when I scrolled back so far that I reached the start of my blog and there it was – my first ever post on 14th March 2011. Even though I’d been writing blog posts on my shop website on and off for a year or so before moving to WordPress, it was the transfer of my blog to this domain that really kick-started my blogging career and the last three years have flown by!

So I couldn’t let this anniversary pass without a mention and, more importantly, I couldn’t let it slip by without baking myself a cake, yaaay! Okay, I don’t need much of an excuse to bake a cake, but I’ve been a bit lacking in the deserts department recently and I’d had my eye on a few cake recipes that I’d pinned to my sweet recipes board on Pinterest. So after my discovery of this milestone yesterday I headed to the kitchen, got out the scales, wrapped an apron around myself and whipped up this little beauty.

white and milk chocolate chip sponge cake recipe

Ingredients: 125g self raising flour, 125g butter, 2 eggs, 125g sugar, 100g white chocolate, 100g milk chocolate.

Cream the sugar and butter together with an electric whisk until light and fluffy then add the two eggs and beat well. Chop the chocolate into small pieces (or use chocolate chips!) and combine with the flour before adding to the egg mixture. Mix thoroughly and divide into two sandwich cake tins. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes and test with a skewer (or a piece of uncooked spaghetti!) and if it comes out clean, the sponge is cooked.

pieday friday white and milk chocolate chip sponge cake recipe

For the filling: Melt 175g milk chocolate with 100ml milk then set aside to cool completely before adding 100g lightest cream cheese and 100g icing sugar to thicken the mixture. Spread the chocolate filling between layers then melt white chocolate and pour over the top of the cake. Grate a little milk chocolate on to the top to garnish – and if you grate it on while the white chocolate is still warm from melting, the curls of milk chocolate will soften into the white chocolate and set into it in a curly pattern!

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