Food & Drink Magazine

Pieday Friday – Back to Basics with Bread

By Cassiefairy @Cassiefairy

I’ve been watching Paul Hollywood’s bread programme for the last few weeks and now that the series has finished, hubby and I finally felt brave enough to have a go at making our own bread at home. I’ve always thought it’s a bit of a long-winded process, all that waiting for the dough to rise etc, but I can honestly say that it’s well worth it. Just the thought of a bread roll – straight out of the oven, with butter melting on it - is heavenly (see my photo below)! The recipe is as simple as you can get, and it’s pretty easy, I just needed a bit of patience.

Ingredients: 500g strong white flour (we used bread flour from Lidl), plus extra for dusting, 7g sachet of dried yeast, 1 teaspoon of salt and a little oil for greasing

pieday friday recipe for loaf of bread and crusty rolls

Mix the flour, dried yeast and salt in a large bowl and add 350ml of lukewarm water into a well in the middle of the flour mixture. Mix until it comes together as a dough then put onto a lightly floured surface and knead for at around 10 mins or as long as you can without getting too bored! Put the dough into an oiled bowl, cover with oiled cling film and leave to rise until it has doubled in size, then knead again. Make the dough into the shape you want it (rolls, loaf) and put onto a tray or into a loaf tin – we used a little semolina on our tray to make the bottom of the rolls crunchy! Cover with more oiled clingfilm and allow to rise for another 30 minutes. Bake in the oven at 220c for 15 minutes then turn the temperature down to 190C for another 30 minutes (less for rolls – keep an eye on them). Enjoy fresh out of the oven with lashings of butter, mmm!

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