Fashion Magazine

Picture Perfect: Gemini

By Citizenrosebud @citizenrosebudz
Picture Perfect: Gemini
Today I hit a modest milestone- I am now two years from the big FIVE-OH.  It's funny about living, and growing older: in your head you are the same, unchanging "ME," and feel like an eternally 25 year-old. I feel the same big eyed wonder-bumpkin I felt when I was in my twenties, only chubbier, saggier and more easily irritated by what the kids these days are calling music. 
There are some great perks with growing older- I guess it's called growing up. 
I'm a better person now. I know what suffering is like, so I now possess compassion for others. I've faced many of my fears, so while I'm not necessarily LESS FEARFUL, I am most certainly MORE COURAGEOUS. And, the present has presented some interesting situations, and the opportunity to meet some really awesome people. 
Unlike my 25 year old self, I'm now a better friend. Which may explain why I've been so fortunate to still have many of the same dear friends, as I did when I was 25. When I was 25, I didn't know it then, but I was crushing out on the man who is now my Seattle soul mate.  His smarts, creative and original thinking has still got me mesmerized. Doesn't hurt that he's still boyishly handsome and turns me into a giggling (albeit middle-aged) school girl.

I like how the photo above of my 48 year old self, looks very similar to my 25 year old self. This image has captured the unchanging quality about my nature. I am (still) curious, introspective and creative. Ever the dreamer. But the girl looking alongside the mirror is both the eternal and ephemeral self, grown together for a lifetime of shared adventure.

I'm joyful that life, even when served up with setbacks, offers so much to savor. You, dear readers, and dear friends, are a great part of what I savor in my life. Thank you for letting me share my life with you-  thank you for being ever gracious, respectful, and fun to blog with. 
Wishing us all the brightest candles on the biggest cakes.    -Bella Q

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