Many of my succulents were affected by flash storms and prolonged rains. Many have rotted in the process. I managed to save some to be regrown and hopefully no more heavy rainfalls after this!

Talking about rotting plants, I recall planting these bulbous plants: Iris domestica, Tulbachia violacea, Bulbine frutescens, Polianthes tuberosa 'The Pearl' and Spathoglottis plicata. They are all gone now :-(

On the other hand, the Petrea volubilis known as sandpaper vine has been growing with great ease and blossoming wonderfully. Yay!

My few years old Sarracenia Juthatip Soper also brought some cheer! A few more new pitchers have sprouted recently :-)

The one below is the Sabah snake grasses (botanical name: Clinacanthus nutans). Still in the little pot waiting for the gardener to repot them ;-)