Name CS CO X This Week PTS
Brandon 9 26 24 6 53
Zach 3 24 32 6 33
FBEO 5 17 37 7 32
K.A. Orris 2 21 36 6 27
Rich S. 7 20 23 12 41
Jonathan W. 6 17 27 9 35
Garrett D. 4 19 27 5 31
Kim M. 3 15 22 0 24
Snow R. 1 21 28 6 24
Matt S. 2 12 16 5 18
Will H. 1 9 10 4 12
Jeff F. 0 10 10 0 10
Alex L. 0 10 10 0 10
Gameweek 6 high score: Rich S., 12 pts
It was another tough week in the league, but Rich S. emerged as the top point getter for the third time. He's chipping away at Brandon's lead, despite having one less week of matches. Jonathan W. has also been on the rise of late and has officially overtaken three of the four writers, again despite their having an extra week on him.