TV & Video Magazine

Photos From The True Blood Season 5 Set

Posted on the 13 January 2012 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover

Photos From The True Blood Season 5 SetFirst of all, we want to say a special thanks to our good friend, B. Henderson over at for taking time out of a really hectic day to spend time on the True Blood set!

True Blood was filming on location at a site which is historic. The building was built in the 1800′s and has been used in several commercials and other shows. They did their filming late at night, since the scenes they were filming revolved around vampires.

Check out the photos in the gallery below!





Could this be the site of Salome’s home? She is listed as a very old vampire. Perhaps a child of King Russell? Is this the location where we see Pam is turned in 1905? Will we see some of the Authority perhaps at this location? So many questions and too much time…

There are even more pics! Feel free to check them out at!

B. Henderson shared this in the comments at her site;

From someone else who was there during filming it sounded like “Eric” was seen there. (a tall blonde…sounds a lot like Alex). The person did not know the names of the cast but when I asked if he saw a tall blonde he did seem to remember one.

Special thanks once again to B. Henderson for sharing them with us! *hugs* We really appreciate it!

What do you think? Feel free to share your thoughts and speculate below!


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