In April 2016, I spent a few days on Vancouver Island. I had never been in that area of British Columbia, but had heard wonderful things about it.
I was not disappointed at all! The island is lush and beautiful. Everywhere you go, there are photos to take. And Victoria is a lovely city!
This doe and its two fawns were in the backyard of my friend's house in Langford. The trio was cautious, of course. But you can tell that they are used to living next to human beings.
Apparently, the group is there most evenings...
The first thing that caught my attention was the Arbutus tree.
Also known as Arbutus Menziesii, it is the only native broadleaf evergreen tree in Canada.
The Arbutus has two unique features:
- A rich orange-red bark that peels away in thin sheets; and
- A crooked trunk that divides into several twisting upright branches.
The tree can reach up to 30 metres and live 500 years!
My friend drove me to China Beach, which is part of the Juan De Fuca Provincial Park. It's a beautiful (albeit secluded) spot where I was able to take a few long-exposure shots...
We also visited the Little Niagara Falls, located in Goldstream Provincial Park.
That park has a train trestle bridge that crosses high above the Niagara Creek. I'm afraid of heights, so I wasn't able to walk across it.