Social Media Magazine

Photography Spotlight: Dylan Nardini and Raeann Cheung

Posted on the 23 March 2020 by Cendrinemedia @cendrinemedia

Photography spotlight: Dylan Nardini and Raeann Cheung

In my quest to find extraordinary photos, I came across two from Dylan Nardini and Raeann Cheung. I am sure you will be as blown away as I am!

Winter starting to arrive very late but very welcome. Here on the foot of Ben Venue from a weekend with the family at @SeeLochKatrine lodges and taken from a trip on the Lady of the Lake and the choppy Loch Katrine. #Sharemondays2020 #fsprintmonday

- Dylan Nardini (@ShutrRelease) February 24, 2020

Photo by Dylan Nardini - Source: Twitter

"Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished." - Lao Tzu

Photo by Raeann Cheung - Source: Facebook

Poetry in motion!

Now, it's your turn to speak. What are your favorite photos?

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