Jay Town and Mark Crosswhite
Photographs have surfaced that appear to confirm Alabama Power CEO Mark Crosswhite and Jay Town (U.S. attorney for the Northern District of Alabama) met before the North Birmingham Superfund bribery trial in summer 2018, according to a report at banbalch.com. The reported purpose of the meeting was to rig the trial, ensure that no executives from Alabama Power or parent company Southern Co. would be prosecuted, and establish former Drummond Co. executive David Roberson as the target and "fall guy" for government prosecutors.
Roberson has a pending $75-million lawsuit against his former employer. The appearance of Crosswhite-Town photos in an apparent meeting adds a cloak-and-dagger element to the Superfund story. From the banbalch report, which is titled "Jaw-Dropping Photos: Mark A. Crosswhite’s Meeting with U.S. Attorney Rocks Alabama Power":
Stuffed in an unmarked, unlabeled manila envelope, several 8 X 10 photos appear to confirm what ex-Drummond Company Executive and “fall guy” David Roberson has repeatedly declared: Before Roberson was indicted, his friend Mike Cole had told Roberson that Cole and Alabama Power’s CEO Mark A. Crosswhite had a meeting with the U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Alabama, Jay E. Town.
Crosswhite was attempting to allegedly quash the prosecution of anyone who had been accused of bribing disgraced politician Oliver Robinson. Town allegedly replied that he was confirmed too late to kill the North Birmingham Bribery prosecution and that people were going to go to jail. Town allegedly assured Crosswhite that Alabama Power would not be prosecuted nor called as a witness in the trial.
Town was sworn in as U.S. Attorney on August 11, 2017. Seven weeks later, “fall guy” David Roberson and two Balch Bingham partners, Joel I. Gilbert and Steven McKinney, were indicted.
The explosive photos show Crosswhite, “the most powerful man in Alabama,” enjoying libations with Town and Cole at the Moon Shine Lounge at the Elyton Hotel in downtown Birmingham.
Is there any doubt about what is taking place in the photos? Not much, according to banbalch:
The photos, shot from a distance, include a close-up of Town wearing a U.S. Department of Justice lapel pin, confirming he was U.S. Attorney. (The Moon Shine Lounge opened in July of 2017, just weeks before Town was confirmed.)The photos appear to demonstrate unequivocally that David Roberson was a victim, the perfect foil, the “fall guy” for the AstroTurf campaign to discredit the environmental group GASP, allegedly spearheaded by Alabama Power and Balch Bingham goons.
As we reported in December, convicted felon and Balch-made millionaire Joel I. Gilbert sent email updates on the bribery/AstroTurf scheme in North Birmingham addressed to Alabama Power executives. Roberson, who was convicted of participating in the bribery scheme, was simply cc’d.
What does this mean for any sense of justice in the Birmingham metro area? Banbalch addresses that in a section titled "So is Alabama Power truly untouchable?"
We, the CDLU (Consejo de Latinos Unidos), have now called on the U.S. Department of Justice to investigate Mark A. Crosswhite, Alabama Power, and their sister-wife, Siamese twin Balch Bingham for the alleged trampling of civil liberties, criminal obstruction of justice, abuse of the color of law, and possible corruption.
First and foremost, Roberson, who has lost everything, appears to have been the “throw-away” lobbyist and fall guy in Alabama Power’s “brilliant” attempt to block the environmental group GASP using a money-laundering entity called the Alliance for Jobs and the Economy (AJE).
Alabama Power’s sister-wife Balch Bingham appointed Roberson as the president of AJE, even though he was more of a puppet than a decision-maker.
What about background on the photographs? Banbalch supplies it:
The photographs in the manila envelope were placed inside David Roberson’s mailbox during Thanksgiving. All evidence points towards that these photos were taken between late August and the middle of September of 2017, a few weeks before the indictments were handed down.We believe the photographs were taken either by disgruntled law enforcement agents or a private investigator. Who was shadowing Crosswhite or Town and why? And why were they given to Roberson now?
The photographs are truly Alabama Power’s problem.
Alabama Power’s problem is now with Mark A. Crosswhite.
And Crosswhite’s problem is with Balch Bingham which has refused to resolve the Roberson and Newsome matters and put Crosswhite, his career, and his legacy on the brink.