Lifestyle Magazine


By Cel O

I have always loved photography even before I got married. I owned a point and shoot then and started taking snapshots of flowers, animals, places and faces. Some photos from my point and shoot years ago.
lotusOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThere came a time when the camera slowed down, got stuck and is unable to take photos anymore.

After several months, I switched to dslr.  I missed having my lightweight digicam which I can take anywhere.

But I was happy with the my new toy. I learned a lot and gained some knowledge on post processing. I haven’t attended any workshops, but seriously, Ansel Adams had no photography schooling. I have seen lots of amazing photographers who are self-taught and their work is utterly brilliant.

I developed my love for portrait photography and I’m going pro.



My style is evolving. It depends on the mood of the photo, sometimes I like the colors rich and bold, sometimes light and hazy, soft and matte, others fine art inspired.


I work with natural light photography so my portraits are usually done outdoors. If you are interested in an outdoor family portrait session, please visit my photography blog for more details.


Enjoy your day!


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