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Photographing Multiple Dogs (Part Four)

By David13676 @dogspired

Photographing one dog by himself is a totally different scenario than photographing two or three dogs, or even a dog and his owner. Here are a few suggestions for you if you ever find yourself with a camera and multiple dogs. To read more tips about photographing your dog, see Part One, Part Two, and Part Three of this four-part series.

Nine times out of ten, more dogs make for a more interesting photograph. There are dozens of ways in which dogs interact with one another, and if you’re ready, you can capture lots of them.

There’s an fun symmetry in putting dogs in similar situations with similar poses. This can happen anywhere, and the results can be quite or dramatic or very funny!

Two golden retrievers stand in the studio and look left.
Two westies at the beach, both looking the same way, black and white.
Sometimes dogs will react in very different ways to the same thing, whether that’s a funny sound or a movement outside a window. Dogs all have such different personalities, so let them shine through!

Two westies sit on a bed and look out a window.

Sit back and watch how dogs interact with one another. Have plenty of patience! All of these following photographs happened with dogs that were not posed, and with their own initiative.

Two golden retrievers lay down in the studio.
Two golden retrievers and their owners, boys, at the beach in black and white.

  • Two springer spaniels near a waterfall, in black and white.

If you have a person to work with when you photograph your dogs, even better. The bond between dogs and their people is very powerful, and I love photographing them together because the combinations are endless. When you get ready to photograph them, think about the variations in pose, attitude, and framing.

A woman leans down to kiss a pit bull dog, on the beach at sunset.
A poodle looks up at his owner on a wooden walkway.
A labrador kisses his mom as they sit in a park.

If you have any questions about any of these tips, or anything else related to pet photography, feel free to email me at allison@allisonshamrell.com. I’d love to hear about your experiences with photographing your dogs. Happy shooting!

About the Author

My name is Allison Shamrell and I’m a pet photographer in Pensacola, Florida. I am completely in love with my job. I have a dog, Bailey, who I consider to be my daughter. I’d do pretty much anything to see her happy, and if you feel the same way about your dogs, just follow my tips to photograph them.

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