Lifestyle Magazine

Photo Pulp // Feather to Shells

By 74limelane @74LimeLane

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O is for … olives and oregano. One of my favourites.

My run with photo a day continues and bringing together f to s has a nice touchpoint with Mother Nature.

So we are in the home straight now and I do hope I can keep it up.

It’s been lots of fun shooting and editing with the same idea each day and seeing the way the different lights and times of day have affected the finished product.

And thank goodness for daylight saving which allows a little extra time to sneak in a photo!


F is for feather; G is for giraffe; H is for harmonica; I is for inch; J is for jug; K is for key; L is for Lego; M is for matryoshka; N is for Nemo.


P is for pinecone; Q is for questions; R is for Rose; S is for shells.

I’ll admit I’ve preplanned the next few days as I head back into the working week to make sure I keep up to date and pencilled down a few ideas for each letter.

Are you doing photo a day in October? How are you going?

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